Friday, March 21, 2014

Ale's Stones

Felicity: Green
Rebecca: Red
Kirsten: Blue
Kirsten LE (Limited Edition): Yellow
Emily: Orange

this is Felicity, Emily, Kirsten, Rebecca and Kirsten.
We want to apologize for how Felicity's been acting.
There hasn't been a post in forever...
Because Felicity's lazy.
But captains have the right to be lazy!
We just hope that we haven't made you all feel worried about us!
We're completely fine,
it's just that Lizzy is a bit too fine.

So, in November we visited Ale's Stones.
We did take a photo of the information sign over there, but since it was pretty dark by then, the photo also turned out being really dark. So we'd suggest you to go on this information site on the spiderweb called "wikipedia" if you'd like to know more about Ale's stones.
Or maybe Felicity's just a bit too lazy once again.

To get there you had to walk up a ginormous hill!

Walking up the hill, we met some friendly sheep.

The sun shined very bright that evening, making the sky look like it was on fire!

"We're almost there!"
"I see it!"

We climbed on top of one of the gigantic stones to get our picture taken...

Adios for now, llamas!
- Felicity, Kirsten, Kirsten, Rebecca & Emily!

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